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Mainstream media picking up on retro tech trend

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2024 6:01 pm
by admin
Many of us have been preserving and restoring tech from the past for many years. We saw the direction things were going early on. The age of the people's computer continually fades away as entities like Microsoft and Sony grow. Especially when government decides to give subsidies to companies who are already monopolizing everything.

It's probably too late, but maybe better now than never. People in the mainstream are starting to smell the roses. Who wants to buy a game just to find out they don't even own it? You have to buy a CD just so you still need an internet connection to access the game? No thanks! Do we really want computers built with planned obsolescence? Do we want to be restricted and relegated to only using one OS or programming language? Do we want processors that specifically work with one OS that requires an internet connection? Cloud operating systems have a purpose, but not as a replacement for everything. Just as "smartphones" and tablets can never truly replace netbooks for people who ACTUALLY type.

We've had it. It's time to go back and depend less on subsidized corporate consumer bloatware. Pretty much everything after 2006 is a mess. Everything before 2006 is much simpler. Less layers of software.